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SHIFT Your Body - Mind - Life

Spices  Herbs   Infusions   Fragrant   Tastes


A Brief History of Flavor

For over 5,000 years spices, herbs and new flavours have been a HUGE part of human history, commerce and healing. India was the first major trade nation, leading to trade of exotic flavours with the middle east, and included fantastic tales of their capture, creating such tales as Sinbad the Sailor to worshipping the many Gods of history and cultures

Over time, the flavours of India spread to beyond the middle east to include ancient Asia, Egypt, Greece, the Roman Empire, and eventually to Europe. 

Time to Reconnect with the Ancient World

Why were spices and herbs so coveted to create stories of monsters, and travellers of the high seas? Because it was discovered that besides novel flavors, many also could be used as medicines, and cures to nagging ailments.

Ancient India medicine (Ayurveda) and traditional Chinese medicine to this day still use many of these spices, herbs and infusions in their medicines and daily health practices. 



Western Science is Catching Up, Yet Again

Now, he we are in the 21st century, and only in the past 10-20 years have we started to "re-discover" the health boosting benefits of spices, and herbs and dabbling in infusions, new scents and tastes.  

Flavors to Beat Fat

Many pieces and herbs provide metabolism (fat burning) raising compounds that help our body increase its temperature or causes the release of stored fat from fat cells for metabolism. 

Flavors to Beat Inflammation

Ayurvedic and other ancient medicines have used a number of spices, herbs and plant extracts to help fight inflammation, bring down fevers and reduce pain naturally and with many less side affects than modern medicines tend to have. 



Flavors to Beat Boredom

Let's be honest, even the most scientifically created nutrition program will fail if its boring and bland. Spicing meals up can beat "diet boredom" while adding zero calories. 

Flavors to Boost Body

We are only now figuring out that many spices, plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables contain compounds that can help us build better bodies. From helping strengthen and pump muscles, to improving cardiovascular and performance function. Examples are beets, red grapes and watermelon which can significantly boost oxide production, and important aspect of getting blood to working muscle and help relax arteries for cardiovascular health benefits.



Infusions: Modern World, Ancient Art


One thing that has become quite popular in the last 10 years are infusion foods, combing the extracts and flavours of one or more foods and adding it into another for a unique culinary experience.


Infusions are a great way to get the simple good need of spices, herbs, fruits and vegetables into foods but without the added calories.  


Below are a few examples from my kitchen.

Is it time to change your life from the inside out?

Are you ready? Then let's go!

If you're ready to truly change your life from the inside out, then it's time to arrange a call with me to start to design your new body, health and life today. Click the button below to see all my exclusive coaching options.

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