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Looking to set new habits? Boost energy? Improve your health and fitness? Even super charge your career or study? Then you need to discover the power of optimizing and maximizing your spaces. Work, home, and even car. 


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Why do I struggle with keeping the weight off?

Why do I always feel things just never seem to go my way?

Why do I feel low energy?

Why do I seem to never have the time?

Why do I have such ups and downs in energy and mood?

Why can't I seem to stay on track with my goals?

Why are others always achieving their goals so easy?

No doubt you have. With obesity, chronic illness and mental disorders rising across the planet, we are all asking ourselves these same questions.

But there are solutions.

Western science is finally meeting up with many of the ancient

health & wellness principles and traditions of the East. 

The ancient East has been long telling us that our personal and shared environments affect us in 3 particular ways. 


Health. Relationships. Personal Success.

And by skillfully fusing eastern wellness concepts, with western health sciences, we are finally learning how our environments, our daily habits and the everyday items we are surrounded by can be silently deteriorating our health every day without us ever realizing it. 


Feng Shui: Art of Wellness Science

The ancient old practices of Feng Shui and Vaastu Shastra (a sister of Ayurveda) are ancient arts of subtle manipulation of our personal environments  to bring us in harmony with our surroundings.


The power of our personal environments cannot be overstated. More and more we are realizing that our homes and work places are not optimized to help us reach our goals, and in fact in many cases are actually acting as barriers to our ultimate health, prosperity and happiness.   

Medical Sciences Confirms This

In the last few years there has been a new movement in health & fitness, a movement is a result of the failures of our recent past. 


Studies have proven again and again that as gym memberships increase, so does community obesity rates.

Global obesity & overweight is over 2.1 billion people.

In the Western world, we are working harder, and living sicker longer.

Alzheimers, depression and cognitive disorders are on a sharp rise.

Depression is at an all time high and rising.

We take on average, less than 4'600 steps per day.

We spend the majority of our days in non-functional static positions.

Even though we are more connected we have never felt more alone.

Stress is considered the cause of nearly all chronic diseases.

Cancers will affect close to 1 of 2 people, and it will touch your life in one way or another.

Chronic PREVENTABLE diseases are the #1 killers in all countries.


Did you catch that last part?

These are all considered preventable

We just have to know how to put the pieces together.



This is where Functional Feng Shui comes in.

Colorful Mosaic Tiles
Woman Sleeping


Smoothie Bowl


Iyengar Yoga




Enter FUNKtional Feng Shui

The issue we tend to have when speaking about Feng Shui and Vaastu is the terminology as it is largely "mystic or magic talk". However, by taking those ideas and principles, and placing them into modern language and modern scientific medical and health concepts, we can see we are really discussing one and the same.

Some Simple Examples

Traditional Feng Shui Concept

Feng Shui discusses the importance of following the sun for our health.


Modern Health Science Knowledge

We now understand that the source of lights we get throughout the day need to relate to our circadian rhythms and we need to try to emulate the natural spectrums of the sun for hormone balancing, optimal metabolic functioning, immunity, fighting viruses, better mental and stress recovery/resilience.

Traditional Feng Shui Concept

In Feng Shui, we need to get rid of clutter in our homes and lives as it will disturb our attention, dampen our good intentions and lead to lost prosperity leading to a negative energy output from you.

Modern Science Knowledge

Psychology has shown us that when we have a cluttered home or office, our brains receive interfering signals and our concentration and focus suffers, leading to lost productivity and accomplishing important tasks. It also can make us frustrated, and anxious by leading to elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol.


What is FUNKtional Feng Shui?

Using elements and inspirations from both ancient Feng Shui, and Vedic Vastu but with modern knowledge of medical health science, and complete personalization, we can now set the motions in place to reverse these health/lifestyle issues and prevent future ones. 

We can start to boost our immunity, lose weight, increase career success, better our relationships, decrease stress, boost mood, and improve our life in so many areas.

With FUNKtional Feng Shui, we will begin to reverse the damage we have done to our long-term health.



The first step is Organization, Minimization  and the Emotions of your stuff. 


The second step in the process is eliminating or reducing all the health hazardous materials and products in your home


Next we set the intentions and purposes of each room, and the home as a holistic unit.



Finally we optimize the home bu incorporating many of the finer details of holistic, healthful and mindful living. 

funKtional feng shui in action

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